Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Oak, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

More from the roadside stop in the Feather River Canyon. When the leaves fall, the structure of the trees is revealed.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Safety fence at Theodore Roosevelt National Park

DSCF1103, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

By rendering some medium-value things as light values, infrared photographs often have the effect of making shadow patterns clearer.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oak and shadows

DSCF1447xxx, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

It is not so much the white leaves in this one, but the pattern of shadows. I found this oak at a rest stop in the Feather River Canyon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


DSCF0833xxx, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

This is a portrait of my daughter-in-law using a converted Fujifilm camera. Try portraits; you'll like the resuts.

Reflections on the floor

Reflections on the floor, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

Not only for trees, infrared makes people shots with a difference. Better floor reflections, a glow on hair and lessened skin imperfections. Try it!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Clouds and sun

Clouds and sun, originally uploaded by jhhymas.

Highway rest stop in infrared. Don't go anywhere without your camera!